Jan 20 – 24, 2020: Weekly financial astrology predictions


Global: Video with 2019 predictions. Video with 2020 predictions on my YouTube channel. 

Global: 2019-2020 — Slowly unfolding Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. This conjunction’s effect will persist through 2020 (esp. in January when it is exact). Previous times of hard transits between Saturn and Pluto (0, 90, and 180 degrees) have coincided with increase in military activities, terrorist attacks, and seismic activity. Thus, this time period will likely see major geopolitical changes, including international tensions, tightening of the budgets, reduced spending, increased governmental controls, corporate restructuring, changes in the governance structure or leadership of key power player countries/corporations, etc. With occasional transits to Pluto/Saturn conjunction from Mars  and Jupiter, there may be an increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, disasters (esp. related to mining, tunnels, [older] structures, dams, bridges, oil rigs, nuclear power plants, recycling facilities, etc.), violent terrorism attacks, protests and military clashes. There may also be invasions of one country by another, countries or their portions claiming independence, countries forming new blocks or separating from former unions, death of prominent governmental/corporate leaders, major health epidemics or pollution incidents [esp. nuclear], etc. “A whole lotta shaking” will be going on [both at the level of the planet, meaning its crust, as well as governments and large corporations]. This general global trend has begun in 2018 and will continue and intensify into 2019-2020. Additionally, with Uranus (sudden change, abrupt closures/endings, volatility, surprises, internet, IT, high tech, innovation, etc.) transiting through Taurus (financial industry, banks, building industry, farming, etc.), we may see increased volatility in currencies (regular and cryptocurrencies) and sudden or surprising changes in the banking industry. 

To evaluate which countries or companies may be affected the most, additional research would be needed, but at a glance it appears that USA, China, Belgium, Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece, Madagascar, Mexico, New Zealand, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Vietnam, and European Union may be affected.

Global: Mid-May, 2018  through Apr 2026 (Uranus transit though Taurus) — Increased focus on cryptocurrencies, electronic financial transactions, virtual banking, community banking, and greater than usual fluctuations in currencies’ value (electronic or otherwise). Similarly, this will be a time of change for banks and financial institutions, with entities suddenly appearing, rising to prominence seemingly overnight, then equally abruptly disappearing, or entities radically changing their business. Currencies’ values will be volatile and/or there may be new “weird” hybrid currencies (something that combines virtual and “real” value, or, crosses international borders, or, is valuable only in some special exclusive community, such as a social network [Facebook/Google/Amazon currencies?]). Update (1/14/18): Kodak just announced its KODAKCoin cryptocurrency last week. Surely, more companies will follow. How about, Facebook “Fast Bucks,” Google “Rubles” [lol], and Amazon “Bezos”? 😜😂 Update (06.23.19): On June 18, 2019 Facebook announced a digital currency called Libra set to launch in 2020. 

With Taurus = money/finance/stability; Uranus = revolution/lightening bolt/sudden change, this may be a period of significant changes for the financial industry. We will likely see a lot of changes in this area and a big push for all transactions to be conducted electronically (no cash?). In finance and related industries, the focus may shift to all things electronic and community-based (incl. increasing ties between social networks and banks). There will be many fluctuations, changes in direction, and an overall sense of instability/volatility. Uranus is a planet associated with community, equality, being non-gender specific, and somewhat cold (not personable or affectionate) — I imagine this may lead to closures or drastic reduction of bank branches that conduct in-person transactions. Uranus also has to do with all things electronic, high tech, complex, and super fast — this may manifest as increased utilization of big data (esp. from social networks or some large communities) and leveraging advanced technology and fast data processing to make money.

Other manifestations of the Uranus transit though Taurus may include: weird non-gender specific space-y (alien-looking) fashion, clothes used to produce electricity, increased interest in wearable electronics, unusual food growing practices (e.g., growing food in a lab or space, using robots to harvest crops, etc.), harvesting electricity from plants, community farming, unusual construction methods, building things in space, using space technologies in construction (esp. to collect/use electricity more effectively), communities coming together to build things (in places where this normally doesn’t take place), appearance of unusual plants or plants engaging in some unusual activities (blooming in a wrong time of the year? male/female plants becoming intersex? strange hybrid plants?), rise of social networks that focus on money or enable exchange of valuable products/services, and/or expansion of virtual reality communities/activities that provide real source of income or provide virtual services in exchange for real/virtual currency.

Global: Dec 2019 through Dec 2020 — Increased focus on government, laws (esp. international laws, laws governing relations among entities comprising one country or union, laws governing status of governmental leaders, etc.), immigration status, older judges, controls imposed on international travel, limitations of higher education or struggles of higher ed institutions, etc. This is a beginning of a background influence that will be in place for about a year and will bring greater limitations or restructuring to the areas above — so tighter checks at the border, stricter immigration rules, decrease in the flow of immigrants, tougher standards for higher ed institutions (or decrease in enrollment or some other problems), increase in the number of governmental bodies and of their powers (esp. conservative), favorable time for large established  corporations (less risk, predictability, large governmental contracts, etc.), international negotiations taking on more reserved tone, harsher non-compliance penalties for international partners, etc. Also, focus on mining, steel/metals, coal, minerals, large scale construction projects (involving governments and large corporations), and excavation in general — these businesses may see expansions, restructuring, and/or new laws may be put in place that affect them (e.g., to facilitate shipments of products over long distances).

USA/ Kilauea: The volcano will likely continue building up tension and/or erupting more frequently or with more intensity for the next few years. In 2018 and 2019, the intensification may occur during the following periods: mid-Aug to mid-Sep  2018 (minor), early Nov 2018 to late Jan 2019 (minor), early to mid-Feb 2019 (possible eruption), end of June 2019 (minor), mid-Nov 2019 (minor). Then, the entire 2020 will likely see significantly increased activity with either one continuous eruption or series of periodic eruptions. (In 2020, there will be an increase in earthquakes globally in general.) In 2021, the intensification may occur in early Jan, early June, and mid to late Oct.  

Then, in 2022 (possibly Feb-Mar, late June-early July, early Aug) and/or 2023 (esp. May, Aug-Oct), there may be additional significant eruptions that can significantly alter the surrounding landscape. Alternatively, during 2022-2023, a major effort will be undertaken to rebuild the surrounding area. Either way, the result may leave the area unrecognizable. 

China: 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, navy, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear or hydroelectric power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden/secret activities (e.g., hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e.g., creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.). 

In 2018 through 2020, China will undergo a major transformation in a number of areas, incl. oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, navy, movies, and any hidden/obscure areas of influence that are somewhat ephemeral and hard to pin down/discover (e.g., spying, bioweapons, drugs, submarines, religion, movies, etc.). The transformation will likely be accompanied by scandals, power manipulations, uncovering hidden agendas, and possibly accidents (esp. nuclear or pollution- and water-related), esp. in the beginning, followed by some massive reforms, and ultimately greater expansion/improvements. This transformation will be gradual and result in long-term changes. It will take place under a very slow Pluto transit to China’s 12th house Jupiter. The 12th house deals with water, navy, oil, religion, prisons, chemicals, drugs, poisons, isolation, hidden influence, etc. and Jupiter brings expansion and abundance. With Pluto hovering over Jupiter, the country can experience greater expansion in related areas, but also potential problems due to over-expansion, stretching too far, or some powerful “hidden” enemies (e.g., hacking, espionage, poisons, etc.). The influence will likely manifest both ways — the country may engage more in these types of activities as well as external players may engage in them more often to influence China. 

China: 2020 — Increased news about hidden activities/lies, religion, movies, music, beverages, poisons and drugs. For ex., a powerful pollutant/chemical/poison/drug is identified as causing more damage than it was previously known or revealed, leading to increased control over its production/distribution or its removal; or, it is discovered that waste is not recycled properly and is polluting the environment (esp. water) to a greater than expected degree; or, it is discovered that an epidemic is spreading on a larger scale than it had previously been revealed (SARS-like outbreak?) — this may affect international and/or long-distance transportation; or, some deceptive international activity (e.g., hacking) yields greater than expected results (brings more power); etc. Given the recent news about an unidentified “new type of coronavirus” spreading in China, this may indeed grow into a larger issue over the next few months. At the same time, the true extent and/or the origin of the virus may remain hidden. Additionally, here is an increased probability of a large earthquake, mudslide, or some other disaster/accident that involves old structures, earth, nuclear power plants/weapons, recycling businesses, underground storage, waste storage or disposal locations, and long distance transportation (esp. in the mountains, tunnels, underground, over water, or under water). All of these issues will continue to be hot topics in the upcoming months; however, this week may see a spike of concrete news or events with follow up events unfolding in subsequent months (e.g., in March of 2020).

Global/OIL: IF horoscope dates for Iran and Saudi Arabia are correct (e.g., I see astrotheme gives them as 04/01/79, 12:01am, Tehran, Iran and 09/23/32, 12:01am, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), then starting in 2019, we may hear about intense transformations or some significant tensions in these countries, which may potentially affect oil prices. First such period will be from about Mar 2018 through 2020 (esp. 2019-2020) with Saudi Arabia’s chart being affected more (for Iran, tensions will be felt mostly in 2020). Another such period will likely be in 2023-2025. Additionally, for Iran only,  2021- early 2022. 

With Saturn Neptune conjunction (expected to be a major turning point in oil prices cycle) coming up in 2025-2026 and Neptune entering Aries in 2026, oil prices may indeed continue to rise till then. At a minimum, as mentioned in the Long Term predictions – OIL section below, we may hear about oil and other Neptunian businesses or products (e.g., chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.) undergoing major changes in 2025-26.

OIL: With Neptune/Saturn square now separated for good after spending about 2yrs in a tense transit associated with suppressed oil prices (see Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights), we should now see a multi-year recovery. After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom in the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil (similar in scale [though not necessarily the same in direction] to what we experienced in 2015-16 but likely even more dramatic). At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. chemical and bioweapons), water, navy, spirituality, etc. 

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc., and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will likely experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. For ex., the Dow Chemical  and DuPont merger was announced in 2016 under the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. We may hear about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e.g., in 2025-26).

Vatican City [06.07.1929]: In 2017 (esp. Jan, Aug, and Oct-Dec), transiting Pluto (major transformation, death/rebirth, nuclear power, power plays, sex, dictatorship, terror, debt/loans, espionage, secrets, etc.) will oppose Vatican’s natal Pluto. This transit indicates a period of major transformation/reforms and may bring out some hidden issues into the light [to reform them]. Likely, increased news about power struggles and news related to the issues listed above. It will be worthwhile to observe this period carefully as in a few years, in 2022-23, the US will experience a Pluto return (transit of Pluto over the natal Pluto) — this period will bring a similar energy to the US, except in an even more intense way (esp. related to hidden issues, spying, healthcare/end of life care, navy/oil/chemicals/drugs/water, debt/loans, and financial institutions). The US Pluto return is an interesting subject on its own and I plan to write a separate blog post about it.

USA: 2022 – 2023 — Pluto returns to its place in the country’s natal chart — major changes in the government and a transformation of the country. Markets may go down globally around Dec 2021 (Uranus Saturn square Dec 2021 – Jan 2022). Then, in Jan-Feb 2022, we may see more significant events [gradually] unfolding in the US; these will relate to governmental leadership and structure. At the same time, there may be confusion or concerns about borders, land, homeland security, banks, stock market, real estate; problems with flooding, navy, snowstorms, movie industry, oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals; and religious disagreements (transiting Neptune will square US Mars, ruler of the 5th, and Neptune, ruler of the 4th). Around Feb 1-17, 2023 (esp. the 10th), there may be major changes related to US currency and/ monetary policies, which in turn may affect the price of precious metals and other currencies.



Global: Ongoing background influence (2019-2020) — Increased probability of a major disaster, very strong earthquake, accident, government reshuffling, corporate restructuring announcement, geopolitical changes, old/established governmental or corporate leaders quitting/dying, changes in leadership of governments or large corporations, or of violent/terrorist attacks. As last week, this week, there may be increased news about governmental/corporate leaders being ousted or attacked, retiring, dying or losing their power in some way. Additionally, this week there is an increased probability of important events, announcements, or accidents involving mining, coal, steel, minerals, tunnels, bridges, old buildings in general, earthquakes, mudslides, etc. This week, peak days for this influence are Jan 22-23.

USA/OIL: Jan 13 – Feb 02, 2020 (esp. Jan 23-24) — Increased tensions in international negotiations or partnerships. Increased probability of bad/negative news for communication/transportation  businesses as well as businesses related to IT and high tech/gadgets (e.g., cars, media, airplanes, computers, telephones, etc.). This may involve financial losses, worse than expected earnings, as well as delays (esp. due to strikes, bad weather, and earthquakes), restrictions, communication issues, tense negotiations, difficulty with reaching agreements, lack of supplies/parts, stalled production, etc. These tensions may escalate and lead to additional problems in the subsequent weeks as described below. 

USA/OIL: Feb 01 – 12, 2020 (esp. 3-5, 7, and 9) — Increased tensions may lead to hard negotiations that take a more aggressive tone at this time. There is an increased probability of escalation in military activities or of accidents/fires/explosions/etc. This may involve oil, navy, chemicals, poisons, etc. (attack on a ship? burning oil or chemicals? accident on an oil rig?).


JAN 20, 2019 (MON): US markets closed. 

JAN 21, 2019 (TUE): Medium influence; market may go down (55-60%). 

Jan 21-22 — Mildly negative news for IT, telecoms, high tech, aerospace, innovation, etc. We may hear about leaders’ popularity suffering due to eccentric behavior, poor leadership decisions, new initiative that is too radical and therefore disliked (could be related to finance such as how payments are handled),  lower than expected earnings (some radical new product may have been a failure), or some unpleasant surprises that introduce unpredictability and create concerns about security of the earnings or value of related products. 

JAN 22, 2019 (WED): Medium influence; market may go down (55%).

USA: Increased focus on leadership, laws, judges, lawyers, international relations, and long distance transportation/shipments. We may hear about a decision, action, or an agreement that will stretch the boundaries some how — the scope may be greater than expected, or, some things may go too far. For ex., there is an over-reaction to some domestic leader’s position, or, an international agreement includes more legal caveats than expected, or, some leader goes too far in terms of what is considered legal or internationally acceptable (i.e., leaders’ morals are judged), or a leader (or a leading company) travels further (or expands to more locations internationally) than expected.

JAN 23, 2019 (TH): Medium-strong influence; market may go up (55%). Up direction is stronger for US than internationally; global markets may go down. 

USA: Increased news about a leader, earnings, taxes, insurance. For ex., some domestic leader’s likability has increased, earnings went up, a large acquisition [possibly related to pharma, oil, or a communication/transportation business] has been completed, etc. The news may be positive for leaders. At the same time, there may be stressful news about communication/transportation businesses or initiatives. Alternatively, this could be a day when an important long-term agreement is signed (esp. related to communication/transportation businesses) and the popularity of leaders who facilitated the agreement goes up.

China: Increased news about navy, oil, chemicals, religion, pharmaceutical, and infectious diseases. This may related to increased regulations and attempts to improve controls over some issue (because it can no longer stay hidden). 

JAN 24, 2019 (FR): Medium-strong influence; market may go down (60%). 

Jan 25-28 (esp. 26-27) — Increased news about oil (oil price may swing [probably up on Jan 27] and there will likely be a major market move [probably a drop on Jan 27-28 followed by an up move on Jan 28-29]). Other areas that may be featured more heavily in the news at this time will likely involve water, navy, chemicals, poisons, gas, pharmaceuticals, beverages, religion, movies, music, etc. Products or services in these areas may also see swings in the value. Additionally or alternatively, there may be news about accidents, fires, explosions, anger, protests, fever, infections, etc. For ex., there may be increased news about religiously motivated attacks at an international location (e.g., some tourist hub or hotel), attacks on an oil refinery, fire/explosion due to a gas leak, anger/protests over high oil prices, etc. 


>>>> Glance ahead (repeated form last week):

Global: Mar 22-31, 2020  (+- several days; esp. Mar 22 and 31)  — Increased probability of earthquakes, mudslides, volcano eruptions, building collapses, accidents, explosions, attacks, protests, fires, and other disasters (esp. involving underground or hidden/dark locations, mountains, nuclear power plants, recycling plants, terrorism, violence, cyberattacks, etc. as well as aerospace, electricity/power supply, IT, telecoms, networks, etc.). Also, increased geopolitical tensions and military threats, posturing, or attacks — this may be related to developments in June 2019 (US-Iran tensions) and upcoming developments in late Oct-early Nov 2019 (TBD; probably US-Iran tensions again). The situation may unfold as overt military tensions accompanied by covert secretive operations, such as cyber attacks (esp. around Mar 22), followed by more attacks/problems affecting airplanes, drones, space-related objects, or networks/internet or other grids (electric grids?) around the end of Mar. Lastly, this may be a tense time for leaders of governments and large corporations as they may be displaced, removed, etc.

USA: Apr 21 – May 30, 2025 (esp. May 5-12, 2025) and Jan-Feb 2026 — Greater than usual moves in gold and/or silver prices, notable events related to US monetary policy and/or currency value changes. 

About tolstunka

Just very very talented... what can I do? :) Recently learned that my nakshatra is Purva Phalguni, in case you were wondering...
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